A well needed and timely reminder to ditch the perfectionist that is stamping on my toes and take a step, one step, two step, and before I know it, I'm dancing.

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Kathryn, I adore your metaphor here! Yes, a dance begins with a single step!

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Thank you. This reminded me that the goal is large but the steps are tiny and cumulative. Keep going

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Ah, thank you Margaret! Somehow I hear the little song in my head, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"

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I love this! I feasted on the Olympics as well and so many insights popped in about life/writing/dreaming/celebrating/honoring/etc. I loved every single second of it.

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Yes, Carrie, exactly! What a FEAST of inspiration! I'm probably going to have Olympics references in a number of upcoming posts... it's on my brain for sure!

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Yes to ditching the shoulds and aiming for the gold medal and embracing practicing and having fun. 💕

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Love this! A mantra I’ve been practicing is “small and slow is good.”

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Deborah, yes, I love this mantra. It's really only how ANYTHING ever gets done!

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Excellent points- I’ve been following a few coaches who basically say — take action. Small actions matter. I also agree- sometimes I don’t feel like writing for my newsletter either- I don’t feel inspired. Taking a break really helps refill the well of inspiration!

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Yeah, Alice, I agree with that advice! It was so weird to sit down week after week and just... not have anything to show. I think making things waaay more concrete (this morning I wrote 100 words at a time!) really helps!

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I definitely hear you about performance anxiety. I think lowering expectations helps!

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