Hi, I’m Marika, and I’m breaking-up with toxic perfectionist mindsets that keep me feeling like I’m “never enough.” Wanna join me?
I’m documenting my experiments to ditch unhelpful, hyper-productive mindsets that:
constantly keep me thinking my parenting and career efforts are “never enough.”
make it hard to fully enjoy the days I’ve been granted here on earth.
You should absolutely subscribe if you also:
Wonder how to stop running the same “Gee, I suck” thoughts on endless loop.
Find yourself thinking “Sure, life is a gift to be enjoyed… but I should probably earn it by crossing off just a few more things on my to-do list first!”
Are excited to uncover a relationship with time that feels more friend-y than foe-y.
Have a neurospicy kid whose behaviors sometimes keep you up at night, both literally and figuratively (an occasional topic around here!).
Here are a few favorite past experiments:
I’m a writer, ADHD parent coach, and educator living in the San Francisco Bay Area with my barbecue-obsessed husband, my video-game-obsessed 13-year-old son, and my musical-theater-obsessed 11-year-old daughter.
My essay on navigating my kids’ ADHD-fueled rages while recovering my own relationship with anger has gotten over a million views on Huffington Post. (That’s a lot of stressed-out mamas out there nodding along thinking, “Me too!”)
If you’ve been looking for like-minded humans sharing thoughts about why it’s so dang hard to get yourself to unload the dishwasher some days, how the heck to survive May-cember with a shred of sanity, or ways to unhook from the tyranny of your to-do list, you’ve found it! So happy you’re here.